This step-up inverter, combined with a 12V fixed regulator, is a good solution. Q1 & Q2, together with the ferrite pot-core transformer, comprise a DC-to-AC inverter. The turns ratio steps down the input voltage by about 30%. The square wave output voltage is rectified and added to the input DC voltage. The stepped up DC is then fed to a 7812 12V regulator (REG1).

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Thursday, October 7, 2010
12V Regulated Inverter Supply
This step-up inverter, combined with a 12V fixed regulator, is a good solution. Q1 & Q2, together with the ferrite pot-core transformer, comprise a DC-to-AC inverter. The turns ratio steps down the input voltage by about 30%. The square wave output voltage is rectified and added to the input DC voltage. The stepped up DC is then fed to a 7812 12V regulator (REG1).