The reference voltage is set through P1. The opamp CA3130 compares the reference voltage at its minus input to the output voltage at its input. The output voltage passes first through a voltage divider before it is fed into the plus input of the opamp. Transistors T1 and T2 work as darlington pair and amplifies the current. Transistor T3 functions as current limiter. The current limit is ajustable through P1, and the lowest current limit is 0.6 ampere. Once potentiometer P1 is set at maximum, current limiting is disabled.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010
Adjustable power supply 0.1V – 50V By CA3130 and 2N3055
The reference voltage is set through P1. The opamp CA3130 compares the reference voltage at its minus input to the output voltage at its input. The output voltage passes first through a voltage divider before it is fed into the plus input of the opamp. Transistors T1 and T2 work as darlington pair and amplifies the current. Transistor T3 functions as current limiter. The current limit is ajustable through P1, and the lowest current limit is 0.6 ampere. Once potentiometer P1 is set at maximum, current limiting is disabled.