Rs232 is a communication between Hardware and Software can be applied in measurement such as Data-Logger The Software has many led to writing, such as Labview ni we use ni as a receptor for the Hardware because they can write. No matter how small it is easy to program graphic Language and Hardware for PIC Micro controller family by writing to the PIC program to send and receive data between the Hw / Sw and the information obtained to be graphed, or stored in Lab tops.In general, job monitoring various vital that we want to bring up the display, whether to a Personal computer or LCD displays various reasons, we want to bring that information to store and brought forth. Analysis later. In this section we will discuss implementation of the inspection data to knowledge (Sensor) through the Micro Controller to display a Program labview using the receiver. When the first step and open up to the block diagram-> Instrument I / O -> Serial then block the following name.1.configure Port.2.Read.3.Clode.Values that have come out that the data is still of type String, we are able to convert to Double the number to be displayed as waveform graph.
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